Monday, August 26, 2013

Fight the ‘Dead Tree Media’ Myth
The public doesn’t want to make hard choices, and they don’t want their oxen gored. They certainly don’t wish to be disabused of any cherished mistaken notions. For this reason, the environmental advantages of print on paper as a medium of information exchange are seldom addressed. A pity it is, for rarely has a subject been so mired in misconception.
This means it is up to you and me to enlighten the public. Consider the following facts, which we all know to be true but are lost on the public at large:
Paper is carbon locking, meaning that paper retains carbon dioxide, just as if it were still a tree.

The paper industry plants more trees than it harvests. Without paper, there would be fewer trees.
No virgin forests are used for papermaking. 
Only one-third of paper is made from cutting trees. Another third is made from sawmill waste and another third from recycled paper. 
Newspapers in particular have been on the forefront of the recycling movement. Newspapers may very well be the greenest medium of all.
The manufacture and use of computers, e-readers and mobile devices is damaging to the environment. Ditto for the Internet and cloud computing, which rely upon vast arrays of power-gulping servers.