Monday, August 26, 2013

Direct Mail Market Trends
Drivers and Barriers for Adoption of Color Digital
Within the last few years we have seen the introduction of two high-speed inkjet technologies aimed at the direct mail space..
Value of color
As with all new technologies, there are only two reasons to adopt it: it provides additional value or it lowers costs..
Hybrid Production
Both high-speed inkjet presses and high-speed inkjet heads can deliver fully variable color images. Using inkjet heads means the design is limited in size to the width of the head, typically 4.25 wide..
Eliminating Preprinted Forms
High-speed inkjet presses can offer cost savings in addition to full color variable imaging. Nearly all direct mail letters are first printed with an offset shell and then overprinted with black laser..
Postal Savings
High-speed inkjet presses are enabling another cost savings and this one appears to be significant. With one of these presses the direct mailer can run white paper in and the completed job out providing the direct mailer with the option to co-mingle jobs on press. This allows the direct mailer to bypass a cost center (co-mingling) and create substantial savings.
Being able to print the output for a direct mail campaign is just part of the challenge..
Ad Spending
Direct mail is just one of many choices for marketers today..
Cross Media
While according the 2012 Channel Preference Study conducted by Epsilon, direct mail is still the most trusted channel, direct mail alone is not sufficient for communicating with customers..
The digital printing industry has been promoting the value of variable data printing for quite some time now – a good solid ten years. Adoption occurred first with low volume applications. Now, finally, we are seeing the large direct mail suppliers purchasing high speed color inkjet presses and heads and as the remaining barriers to adoption are being knocked down, we are seeing adoption and rapid growth for high volume color digital printing of direct mail.