Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Profits Data Show Resilience of Leading Print Firms
The PIA Financial Ratios have been published for decades, and may be the most recognized of the association’s publications. There are, of course, problems with all kinds of research gathering efforts, but the positives of the Ratios reports outweigh the negatives from a methodological standpoint. Sure, the Ratios are not based on a carefully selected sample of printers, but are of the voluntary participants who pay to participate. Different firms participate each year, so it’s not a longitudinal study of the same groups of printers, but enough do to make it interesting. There is no effective way to understand tax planning issues and their effects on the ratios (such as businesses that purposely have near zero profits to minimize the double taxation of some corporate structures by taking salaries and bonuses). Once can basically hurl all kinds of statistical suspicions at the reports, but they remain the longest running report of printing business performance with a consistently applied methodology.