Resolute Forest Products has officially inaugurated a major power island producing green energy at its pulp and paper operation located in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The power island includes a refurbished and upgraded woodwaste boiler and a new 65-megawatt condensing turbine. Approved by Resolute in early 2011, the C$65 million project took just over 21 months to complete. “The power island is a strategic addition to Resolute’s Thunder Bay facility,” stated Richard Garneau, President and Chief Executive Officer. “It will reduce the mill’s energy costs as well as maximize our local woodlands, sawmill, pulp and paper, and energy operations by fully utilizing forest-based biomass to produce green electricity.” The green power produced will be sold to the Ontario grid under a power purchase agreement between Resolute and the Ontario Power Authority. To mark the inauguration, a ceremonial “throwing of the switch” was held earlier today involving key company and government representatives. “This project is consistent with Resolute’s focus on optimizing our network to reduce costs as well as investing in projects that improve our competitive position and are aligned with a sustainable future,” added Garneau.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Resolute Inaugurates Green Energy Power Island
Resolute Forest Products inaugurates green energy power island at their Thunder Bay, Ontario operation:
Resolute Forest Products has officially inaugurated a major power island producing green energy at its pulp and paper operation located in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The power island includes a refurbished and upgraded woodwaste boiler and a new 65-megawatt condensing turbine. Approved by Resolute in early 2011, the C$65 million project took just over 21 months to complete. “The power island is a strategic addition to Resolute’s Thunder Bay facility,” stated Richard Garneau, President and Chief Executive Officer. “It will reduce the mill’s energy costs as well as maximize our local woodlands, sawmill, pulp and paper, and energy operations by fully utilizing forest-based biomass to produce green electricity.” The green power produced will be sold to the Ontario grid under a power purchase agreement between Resolute and the Ontario Power Authority. To mark the inauguration, a ceremonial “throwing of the switch” was held earlier today involving key company and government representatives. “This project is consistent with Resolute’s focus on optimizing our network to reduce costs as well as investing in projects that improve our competitive position and are aligned with a sustainable future,” added Garneau.
Resolute Forest Products has officially inaugurated a major power island producing green energy at its pulp and paper operation located in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The power island includes a refurbished and upgraded woodwaste boiler and a new 65-megawatt condensing turbine. Approved by Resolute in early 2011, the C$65 million project took just over 21 months to complete. “The power island is a strategic addition to Resolute’s Thunder Bay facility,” stated Richard Garneau, President and Chief Executive Officer. “It will reduce the mill’s energy costs as well as maximize our local woodlands, sawmill, pulp and paper, and energy operations by fully utilizing forest-based biomass to produce green electricity.” The green power produced will be sold to the Ontario grid under a power purchase agreement between Resolute and the Ontario Power Authority. To mark the inauguration, a ceremonial “throwing of the switch” was held earlier today involving key company and government representatives. “This project is consistent with Resolute’s focus on optimizing our network to reduce costs as well as investing in projects that improve our competitive position and are aligned with a sustainable future,” added Garneau.