Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Argentina ‘Inflexible’ on Uruguayan Pulp Mill Expansion
Argentina promised to be ‘inflexible” with the UPM pulp mill on Uruguayan territory, if it tries to increase production as it has requested, thus again opening a new controversy with Uruguay which has pledged to answer the (2011) expansion request in the last week of September. Presidents Cristina Fernandez and Jose Mujica are scheduled to meet in Buenos Aires at the end of the month.
and Governor Uribarri on the campaign trail
UPM mill already produces 1.1 million tons of dry pulp a year.
He added that Argentina wants UPM to invest in ‘diminishing pollution’ (yet to be proved) and “we have presented innumerable evidence that the river has been affected by the construction of the mill”
said the Argentine minister.
Timerman said that the situation created by UPM to increase pulp production in 200.000 tons per year “it not a problem between Uruguay and Argentina; what really is going on is that the company wants to put pressure on both governments, make us squabble, to increase profits with no further investments or caring for the environment to which it is obliged”.
According to Argentina UPM is already producing above the allowed limit (one million tons dry per annum) established in the International Court ruling in 2010, which decided on the case presented by Argentina with strong support from Entre Rios and Gualeguaychú.