Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tumblr And Tech Future

In the mid-90s, the pop band Barenaked Ladies sang out scenarios for their fantasy, "If I had a million dollars." Today, in Silicon Valley and due north in Redmond we have a new version playing out where Yahoo, Facebook and Microsoft are all figuring out what they would spend a billion on. While the targets -- Tumblr, Waze and Nook -- make for fascinating discussion of fit and valuation on their own, together they show something interesting about the future of these goliaths beyond the personal computer. They're looking well beyond the personal computer, but in different ways. After several small acqui-hires, Yahoo has finally swung for the fences with a billion dollar acquisition of Tumblr. Tumblr is a microblogging and social network site, and its audience is decidedly un-Yahoo-like. Consider, too, that Yahoo has just announced a move toward native advertising on its sacred home page. Giving the Yahoo sales force more inventory and the ability to blend content between the Tumblr network and Yahoo properties might be a highly valuable combo for consumers and advertisers alike.