The New York Times Planning Lower-Priced Digital Subs
In this morning's first quarter earnings call, which had revenues down 2 percent, The New York Times Co. announced plans for a number of new initiatives at the flagship paper, including a lower-priced subscription model, international expansion, and increased focus on digital video, all expected to roll out in the last quarter of 2013 through 2014. New York Times Co. reported that circulation revenues rose in the first
quarter, reflecting the continuing success of its digital subscription strategy
-- but this growth was more than offset by a steep decline in print advertising
revenues and a more modest decrease in digital ad revenues.
NYTCO's total circulation revenues rose 6.5% from $227 million in the first
quarter of 2012 to $242 million in the first quarter of 2013, thanks to a 45%
jump in the number of the company’s digital subscribers, which numbered 708,000
at the end of the recent quarter, compared to around 490,000 a year before.