Domtar Corporation is permanently shutting down 1 pulp machine at its Kamloops, British Columbia facility. This decision will result in a permanent curtailment of Domtar’s annual pulp production by approximately 120,000 air-dried metric tons of sawdust softwood pulp, 125 employees are affected. The pulp machine, known at the mill as the “A-Line” is expected to be closed by the end of March 2013. “Prevailing economic conditions in the global pulp markets and the deteriorated competitiveness of this small pulp manufacturing line, coupled with unforeseen boiler repair costs, have forced us to rationalize this pulp production capacity. We will focus our energy and resources on optimizing the larger, more competitive, ‘B’ pulp manufacturing line which will continue to operate,” said Mike Edwards, Senior Vice-President, Pulp and Paper Manufacturing.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Domtar Permanently Closing Pulp Machine
Domtar permanently closing ‘A-Line’ pulp machine at Kamloops, BC mill:
Domtar Corporation is permanently shutting down 1 pulp machine at its Kamloops, British Columbia facility. This decision will result in a permanent curtailment of Domtar’s annual pulp production by approximately 120,000 air-dried metric tons of sawdust softwood pulp, 125 employees are affected. The pulp machine, known at the mill as the “A-Line” is expected to be closed by the end of March 2013. “Prevailing economic conditions in the global pulp markets and the deteriorated competitiveness of this small pulp manufacturing line, coupled with unforeseen boiler repair costs, have forced us to rationalize this pulp production capacity. We will focus our energy and resources on optimizing the larger, more competitive, ‘B’ pulp manufacturing line which will continue to operate,” said Mike Edwards, Senior Vice-President, Pulp and Paper Manufacturing.
Domtar Corporation is permanently shutting down 1 pulp machine at its Kamloops, British Columbia facility. This decision will result in a permanent curtailment of Domtar’s annual pulp production by approximately 120,000 air-dried metric tons of sawdust softwood pulp, 125 employees are affected. The pulp machine, known at the mill as the “A-Line” is expected to be closed by the end of March 2013. “Prevailing economic conditions in the global pulp markets and the deteriorated competitiveness of this small pulp manufacturing line, coupled with unforeseen boiler repair costs, have forced us to rationalize this pulp production capacity. We will focus our energy and resources on optimizing the larger, more competitive, ‘B’ pulp manufacturing line which will continue to operate,” said Mike Edwards, Senior Vice-President, Pulp and Paper Manufacturing.