Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Top 25 Consumer Magazines in H1
Today AAM released its semiannual periodical Snapshot report, which includes top-line print and digital circulation data for all consumer magazine members for the first half of 2013. Below are some highlights from the report. Information about Canadian magazines is available in this post.
Key Stats
For the 390 U.S. consumer magazines reporting comparable paid and verified numbers, total paid and verified circulation was down approximately 1 percent. Paid subscriptions were down 0.1 percent, and single-copy sales decreased by approximately 10 percent.
Digital editions continue to be a small but growing portion of magazines’ total circulation mix, nearly doubling year-over-year. For the first half of 2013, magazines reported a total average of 10.2 million digital replica editions (paid, verified and analyzed nonpaid), or 3.3 percent of total circulation. This compares with 5.4 million digital editions, or 1.7 percent of total circulation, in the first half of 2012.
Top Lists
Below are a few charts pulled from the report — the top 25 U.S. consumer magazines by total paid and verified circulation, single-copy sales, digital replica editions and the top 10 magazines by analyzed nonpaid circulation. Historical charts and data are also available.