Wednesday, February 20, 2013

BoSacks on Publishing Revolution

If you can just step back for a moment and look, not as an active member but rather as a voyeur, you will see that we, too, are not at liberty to be inactive participants in our industry and its future.  There are some publishers who are timidly seeking an easy way through the technologic turmoil, and there are those that are active participants in the future.
What makes this timely for me is the news last week about Time Inc. negotiating to sell off some of their large titles. I see this move as “being a very active participant in our future.” Time Inc. has always been a smart company that has seen and acted on the future before any other publisher. There are numerous actions that they have taken years before the rest of the industry followed.  And there is a forward thinking angle that many have missed in the guess work of their current action.