Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nova Scotia Invests $16.5 Million in CFK Plan

A Hantsport-based manufacturing company is expanding its business and creating more than 30 jobs in the Annapolis Valley.
The province is supporting CKF Inc.'s plan to purchase new machinery and upgrade equipment.
"CKF is a successful business with deep roots in Hantsport and an increasing demand for its products.
Without the province's support, CKF would not be able to expand its operations and create more jobs for this community," said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Ramona Jennex, on behalf of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism Minister Graham Steele.
"This investment is another example of the jobsHere plan in action, as the province supports businesses that can compete on a global scale."
CKF Inc. is a family-owned company that manufactures Royal Chinet and other molded pulp and foam products for retail, food service, and packaging industries in the Canadian and U.S. markets. The company also has plants in Ontario and British Columbia, though the Hantsport facility is the only one with machinery that makes Royal Chinet products.