Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Corner Brook Mill Unions Still Negotiating

At least two of  three unions connected to Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited are still working on negotiating contracts with the mill. Lindy Vincent, president of the Local 60N of the Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union, said his local and the company are now working with a conciliation officer to try to reach an agreement.The union rejected a tentative agreement with the company in November, despite the executive recommending acceptance.After that, Vincent said both sides requested the assistance of a conciliation officer. Vincent said the union has met with the officer once. “And we’re just waiting now for a date to get back at it again.”Local 60N represents the woodland workers outside the mill, the silviculture workers, cutters and road crews. Right now there are about 125 members working, but Vincent said that number will grow to between 150 and 160 come the summer. While the union works on negotiating a new contract, Vincent said the old one remains in force. “We’ve got something to work with,” he said. “Hopefully, we can come to some sort of agreement that both sides can live with and our membership can live with.”