Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Than 14,500 Dockworkers Could Strike Sunday
More than 300 shipyard workers in North Carolina could stop loading and unloading cargo ships as of midnight Saturday, the result of stalled contract talks that threaten to idle more than 14,500 dockworkers at 15 of the nation’s major shipping ports.The strike by the International Longshoremen’s Association, one of the nation’s most successful labor unions, threatens to disrupt the flow of electronics, clothing and other products in and out of the country. If the walkout drags on for weeks, it would force retailers in this part of the country to bring in consumer goods by rail from the West Coast at extra expense. The looming strike follows a breakdown in contract talks last week and would be the first walkout by dockyard workers on the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico since 1977. With potentially serious economic consequences looming, retail lobbyists and the Republican governor of Florida, a state which has four ports, have asked President Barack Obama to invoke federal powers to force the striking longshoremen back to the waterfront and their lawyers back to the negotiating table if the walkout takes place.