Thursday, September 6, 2012

Court Affidavit Reviews Port Hawkesbury Prep Cost

Court affidavit reviews ‘crucial’ prep work required to reopen Port Hawkesbury paper mill in Nova Scotia [From the web]:
Repairs will be required to some machinery at the NewPage Port Hawkesbury mill prior to it resuming operations under a new owner, and the timing of the work is considered crucial to restarting the mill.
An affidavit filed with the Nova Scotia Supreme Court by chief restructuring officer Peter Wedlake outlines the measures that will be required to put the mill, which Pacific West Commercial Corp. is currently working to buy, back into a state where it will be able to produce paper. Wedlake said there is a need to take immediate action beyond what has taken place during the almost year-long hot idle of the mill.
The total cost of the materials and work required, including labour, is listed as almost $2 million.