Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012 USPS Plant Closures in Doubt

Postal Service Processing Plant Closures in Jeopardy:
The USPS closing or consolidating 48 mail processing plants in July and August may not happen at all this year. The Postal Service is seeking a legally required advisory opinion from the Postal Regulatory Commission on a related proposal to revamp first-class mail delivery standards. The problem is that the commission doesn’t plan to issue that non-binding opinion until early September—after the downsizing is supposed to have been completed. The American Postal Workers Union, which represents some processing plant employees. In a 29-page complaint filed last week, the union called on the PRC to bar the Postal Service from proceeding until the opinion comes out. Postal Service lawyers argue in a rebuttal today that the union doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on.