Thursday, September 19, 2013

Riding The Wave Of Killer Catalog Design

My catalog love affair never faded, but now I that I work in the printing industry, I see these campaigns from a professional advertising perspective. I still scope out the inventory, only I also consider the overall layout along with other design considerations. Today I want to share what I think is an excellent example of a catalog design from, an ecommerce site for surf/skate apparel and accessories. I discovered the site while searching for board shorts for my very picky husband, and that’s how I ended up on their mailing list.  I’ve made a few purchases in the last couple of years, so I’m an example of a repeat customer taking the catalog bait to make a purchase online. I leave their catalogs on my coffee table for guests to enjoy, another big bonus for their brand. My friends leaf through them all the time, and most have never heard of Swell before. I doubt any of my friends have made a purchase, but at least they’re aware of the brand’s existence.