Friday, September 20, 2013

“I Didn’t Know They Could Do That with Print!”
Dipping into Xerox’s #PrintWins Twitter feed, I came across Vladimir Gendelman’s well-reasoned article, “Six Common Printing Myths Debunked.” His Myth 5, “Limited Options,” prompted thoughts about print’s abundant possibilities as a creative medium—an attribute that deserves more attention from creatives than it sometimes gets. 
Gendelman reminds us that with print, “you're not just restricted to a bland, printed rectangle.” His article deals primarily with marketing collateral, but his point about the magic that happens when print is used imaginatively applies to every type of product that the medium comprises.
Publishers in particular have done strikingly inventive things by stretching the definition of what printed books and magazines can be. In the following examples, printed paper remains the core of the product offering. But from there, the end-user experience soars to new aesthetic and technical dimensions.