Monday, September 9, 2013

Eldorado Seeks Funds for 2 Million MTPY Pulp Line

Brazilian pulp producer Eldorado Brasil has applied to the Brazilian middle west dvelopment fund (FDCO) to raise Real 1.4 billion for the expansion of its 1.3 million tonnes/yr bleached eucalyptus kraft (BEK) pulp mill in Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul. The funds would be used for the construction of a new 2 million tonnes/yr BEK pulp line, estimated at Real 7 billion and scheduled to start operating in 2017. 
Grubisich first announced the company's intentions of building a 2 million tonnes/yr line - instead of the previously planned 1.7 million tonnes/yr line - last August, in the CEO/Executive Panel Discussion at RISI's Latin American Pulp and Paper Outlook Conference, in São Paulo, Brazil.