Thursday, August 29, 2013

MPA Asks for Help in Fighting Postal Rate Hike
MPA reports that, in partnership with the Affordable Mail Alliance, it is “executing a highly focused and aggressive national and grass roots campaign” to try to convince the USPS Board of Governors that a decision to approve an exigent rate increase (which could cost magazines $300M annually) would be “counterproductive for consumers, commercial mailers and the Postal Service itself.” MPA’s summary includes links to the AMA’s full letter to the BOG, and its press release on the issue. MPA has also posted a call for assistance from publishers in the fight, asking them to push the AMA’s messages out via their social media accounts and internal communications, and to tweet/retweet MPA’s tweets on the issue (@mapmagmedia). 
MPA (summary)
MPA (how publishers can help)