Monday, August 12, 2013

Gap Returns With Fall Campaign
Gap is making a comeback on the small screen.
The brand's fall campaign, "Back to Blue," will include TV buys for the first time in four years. It's only the second time in the last seven years the brand has advertised on TV, the last time being Christmas 2009.
Peterson Milla Hooks is handling the fall campaign, touted as Gap's broadest-reaching campaign in modern history. It includes print, outdoor, direct, social, in-store and digital, in addition to TV. The TV ads will be unveiled through an "innovative" partnership in mid-September, though Seth Farbman, Gap's global chief marketing officer, declined to share any specifics.
"We feel that after this two-year journey…we've turned that corner. We have momentum. We have clarity on what we want to say, and now we want to say it in the broadest way possible," said Mr. Farbman. "We have always been a brand that benefits from moving pictures, sound, emotional engagement. …Also, the reality is that TV continues to be the medium that gets you mass reach quickly."