Tuesday, July 30, 2013

China's Imports RCP and Pulp Fall, June & YTD

China's recovered paper (RCP) imports fell sharply last month, dropping 18.9% from May to just below 2.267 million tonnes in June, according to data from China Customs.
Mixed paper intake saw the worst decline, plummeting 22.7% to 392,531 tonnes. The grade is the prime target of the Chinese government's intensified inspections under the Green Fence policy.
Both suppliers and buyers have stayed away from trading the grade, especially tonnage imported from Europe and the USA.
June's figure was 3.2% lower than the 2.346 million tonnes recorded in June 2012.
Total RCP imports in the first half of this year came in at almost 14.924 million tonnes, down 0.7% from the year-earlier period. 
China's total pulp imports plummeted 16.0% in June compared to the previous month, falling to 1.287 million tonnes, according to data from China Customs.
The June plunge was due to poor pulp demand stemming from the stagnant domestic paper and board market, with intake of bleached softwood and hardwood kraft pulp (BSK and BHK) both taking a hit.
BSK imports fell 15.2% to 499,326 tonnes, while BHK dropped 14.8% to 496,995 tonnes.
The drop for other grades was also massive between May and June. Unbleached softwood kraft pulp declined 19.8% to 36, 927 tonnes. Semi-chemical pulp fell more significantly, down 38.4% to 95,186 tonnes.
June's total pulp import figure was 4.9% lower than the 1.354 million tonnes recorded in the same month of 2012.
Pulp imports for the first six months came to just 8.251 million tonnes, a decrease of 4.2% from the preceding year.