Wednesday, July 24, 2013

AAM Approves Streamlined Audit Program
The Alliance for Audited Media has announced one step that will ease the burden on some publishers now, and another that may do the same in the future.
AAM has approved an optional streamlined audit program for publishers with circulations of less than 100,000. Publishers would be able to do without certain metrics like average price, average edition circulation, trending analysis and geographic breakdowns-metrics that Mark Wachowicz, senior vice president of sales and marketing for AAM, says are unnecessary for smaller publications.
"The new program has eliminated a number of reporting elements for that segment of the membership," he says. "That segment of the membership doesn't really utilize any of those categories, and more importantly, the endemic advertisers, which is the vast makeup of their advertising component, don't use any of that information."
Members opting for the reduced two-page reports will see a cost savings of 20 to 30 percent, Wachowicz notes, although custom add-ons will available at additional cost. Publishers will see additional time and labor savings in reporting fewer categories, he says.