Thursday, May 2, 2013

FOLIO: B-to-B CEO Survey

2013 FOLIO: B-to-B CEO Survey: Print advertising revenue, still the breadwinner for this year’s survey respondents, has held steady in its overall share. Depending on whether a media company makes more or less than $5 million in annual revenue, print’s share has accounted for about half of the top line for at lest the last four years. In our 2009 survey, publishers making less than $5 million in annual revenue reported print contributed 54 percent of revenue. In this year’s survey that same publisher category reports 55 percent of revenues were from print in 2012. That is expected to decrease only slightly in 2013, to 53 percent.
Larger publishers making more than $5 million reported print revenues at 53 percent in 2009 and 48 percent in 2012.