Wednesday, April 3, 2013

South America: Becoming Competitive Force in Forest Industry

Significant capacity expansion plans in South America are set to add between 20 to 30 million metric tons of chemical pulp to the global forest, paper, and packaging (FP&P) market by 2020. This is according to the 2013 Global forest, paper, and packaging trend watch: A changing landscape: South America's influence on global markets report released today by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTTL) Global Manufacturing Industry group.
The report highlights the growing influence of South America on the global FP&P industry as an emerging consumer base as the region's reliance on paper imports to satisfy growing demand is expected to continue.  It also forecasts that South America, with its current investments into state-of-the-art production facilities, could also stake a competitive position in global markets.