Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Path to Personalized Mail

The Path to Personalized Mail:
Begin with Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), essentially a saturation service for small local businesses to blast certain geographies with their marketing messages. This of course isn't personalized yet. But through this program, mailers can send out an entire postal carrier route of around 400 households without needing a list. They can send pieces without a personalized name or a street address—and they can target specific geographies using an online tool.
The second step is to incorporate technology to get customers to interact digitally. Strapped for resources? The USPS offers discounts to marketers who incorporate technology into direct mail pieces.
“If you're a mailer and don't take advantage of these, I'm shocked,” Mitzel said. “The USPS is actually giving you money to fund the use of these technologies.”