Friday, March 8, 2013

MediaPost Mag Bag

Magazines are unveiling new looks, as publishers reposition titles to keep pace with the changing interests and habits of readers. Both Redbook and Taste of Home have been revamped to make them more social and mobile-friendly. The Reader’s Digest Association is revamping Taste of Home, giving it a new look and 20% more pages of editorial content. Now perfect-bound and printed on a heavier stock, Taste of Home will include more healthy recipes and health-related content, as well as clip-and-save recipe cards, and a new logo. According to the fall 2012 MRI index, Taste of Home reaches 11.1 million readers. 
The Week is raising its rate base for the second time in six months, owner Dennis Publishing announced this week. Beginning July 1, The Week will have a rate base of 550,000, up 2.8% from 535,000. 
And more...