Thursday, December 20, 2012

SCA Efficiency Program

SCA Launches Efficiency Program at Forest Products: Against the backdrop of the prevailing economic and currency situation, SCA is introducing a comprehensive program to enhance the efficiency of its forest products operation. The program will generate annual earnings improvements of SEK 1,300m with full effect from 2015. Actions include the previously announced closures of the sawmills in Vilhelmina and Holmsund, and cutbacks at Ortviken paper mill, SCA Transforest’s terminals in Sundsvall and UmeĆ„, and at SCA’s R&D Center. About 200 positions are affected, the majority of which have already been announced. The program includes a structured plan to reduce fixed and variable costs, income improvements by way of increased production and streamlining activities, and a changed product and market mix. This will be achieved through improved raw material yield at the sawmills, higher productivity in harvesting activities, an increased share of value-added publication papers and a larger share of container transportation.