Friday, December 21, 2012

Prevention Revamped For The New Year
Rodale's Prevention magazine s kicking off 2013 with a cleaner design, better photography, an updated editorial focus, and a new cover price. Title continues to serve women ages 40s through 60s, but instead of talking to them as "Doctor Mom" as in the past, now focuses on the reader's personal needs with an "encouraging, uplifting, and almost indulgent" tone, says SVP, editorial director Anne Alexander. New tone apparent in new tagline (“Love your whole life”); cover lines (“27 days to a healthier, fitter, more energized you,” “13 trips to transform body and soul”); and new section titles (“Better Than Ever,” “Happiness News”). The January issue hits newsstands on Dec. 25, which marks a change in the magazine’s production schedule. (Like most monthlies, Prevention had typically gone on sale midway through the month.) The new newsstand date is intentionally later, says publisher Lori Burgess: “Readers were frustrated when an issue was coming out and it was a month ahead of the calendarized promotions.”