Thursday, October 4, 2012

CDS Launches Digital Newsstand System
The collection and management of the raw customer and sales data that comes out of the digital newsstand providers has been a huge pain point for publishers. Simply put, digital edition and app sales data coming in from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Zinio and the rest is not standardized. It has to be manipulated by hand and is extremely labor intensive. Imagine an Excel spreadsheet hundreds or thousands of columns wide and you begin to get the picture. Even more importantly, tying revenue back to sold issues has been problematic at best. The Web-based platform essentially sits between the digital newsstands and the publisher and collects sales data, standardizes it and makes it available in a variety of dashboards that allow publishers to generate reports automatically. The platform currently supports data from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Zinio. Apple data, says the company, will be added in the next couple weeks.