Wednesday, September 19, 2012

RH Continues with Unique Approach, "First of Kind" Catalogue
RH (Restoration Hardware) is bucking a trend with its book-size mailing, advertising experts say. In recent years, retailers have scaled back on the size of their catalogs, used thinner paper and in some cases are sending out fewer per year. Restoration Hardware may be publishing its "source book" just twice a year, but the product - three companion pieces totaling 992 glossy, artfully styled pages of merchandise - shows no signs of skimping. The hope, say industry insiders, is that the breadth of the catalog will keep consumers from chucking it into the trash after a quick flip through, and it will instead become a lifestyle guide kept on hand for months.
Restoration Hardware executives have gone as far as to call the books "a first-of-its-kind hybrid of catalog, magazine and inspiration file."